Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Dity Move--Part 2

Monday morning came and it was time to start the long drive to WA, but we still had to pick up Chris' 4-wheeler. When we got to Cycle House, his entire engine was in a million pieces and sitting in cardboard box on the floor next to it. They said they didn't have time to get it finished...??? 4+ months and they didn't have time to do it! Completely pissed off, Chris loaded it up into the truck and we took off.

The weather started out fine, but then it started raining and the wind was blowing like crazy. Being the last week in November, we were lucky it was just rain and wind instead or snow. The U-Haul was swaying side to side pulling the truck all over the road. Chris was holding the steering wheel tight trying to keep us from an accident. As we continued to drive and the wind and rain stopped, but the trailer kept swaying all over the place. We pulled over to get gas and saw a sign on the side of the trailer that we hadn't noticed before. It showed you how to load the U-Haul. It said to put all of the heavy stuff in first and then everything else after. So basically putting the mattresses and table in first will all the heavy stuff in last was totally wrong. That is what was causing it to sway all over the road, the weight was not balanced right. At that point, there was nothing we could do. It's not like we were going to unload our trailer on the side of the road and re-load it, so we kept driving. To top it off, Chris noticed that his 4-wheeler gas tank cover was not properly secured and was flapping in the wind. Just as we were about to stop to fix it, it flew off bouncing down the highway! We were driving too fast to stop and get it, so we drove to the next exit and turned around to go back for it. Driving back towards where we lost it, we saw it up ahead in the middle of the freeway still in one piece. Just as we drove past it to turn around at the next exit...a truck flew by and blasted it! It went flying again. By the time we got the plastic cover, it was pretty mangled!

After hours of poor reception, bad radio stations, and a couple dozen curse words (directed at the swaying trailer)...We made it to Washington, U-Haul trailer, 4-wheeler and all! Phew!!!

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